HP seminari - Hewlett Packard
Ukupno: 161
5 dana
In this course you receive an overview of the HP Integrity NonStop™ NB-series server architecture and basic software functionality, including functions of OSM, TACL, and Subsystem Control Facility (SCF) for system, disk drive, tape drive, and communications lines monitoring.
5 dana
This course prepares you to administer and manage the HP NonStop NS-series server. Topics include how to start, monitor, and shut down your system and its subsystems and how to identify and resolve common problems.
5 dana
This 5-day course teaches students how to use the OpenVMS operating system to create, manipulate, and manage files.
5 dana
This course provides the system manager who is going to manage an OpenVMS system or cluster the core information and essential skills needed to examine the system, the software and hardware configuration, and the administrative setup already in place.
5 dana
This 5-day course covers tasks to create new OpenVMS environment, which include the installation of the OpenVMS software and performing the post installation tasks such as registering licenses, configuring the network and cluster environment.
5 dana
This course is designed to examine the components, structures and mechanisms of the OpenVMS Alpha operating system.
5 dana
This course is designed to examine the components, structures and mechanisms of the OpenVMS Alpha operating system.
3 dana
The primary objective of the course is to give the system programmer a living big picture of the operating characteristics and the interrelationships of the major OpenVMS subsystems. The majority of code will be presented in the C language and will be current as of Version 8.3 of OpenVMS.
5 dana
This course provides a general overview of system mechanisms such as interrupt priority level, spinlocks, CPU context, and access modes.
5 dana
This 3-day instructor-led course provides students with the knowledge and skills to install and configure Windows Vista desktops.
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Uslugama savjetovanja nastojimo pomoći u izradi najboljeg koncepta za web projekt i pomoći oko informatičke edukacije.

Pregled seminara:

- Online oglašavanje
- Online media planiranje
- Internet (online) prodaja
- SEO edukacija