Formalno obrazovanje - London School of Commerce
Ukupno: 6
2 godine
The Business Studies Programme is designed to prepare students for entry-level employment and future managerial positions in a variety of commercial, industrial and service organisations.
2 godine
Students who do not have ‘A’ levels or equivalent qualifications for direct entry to a Bachelors Degree Programme are required to complete an 8 month ( 2 semesters ) Degree Foundation Course prior to commencing BA(Hons) in Business Studies. Such students can expect to complete the entire degree foundation and degree in approximately 2 years 8 months.
1 godina
An MBA is an internationally recognised qualification. This programme combines rigorous academic disciplines with management skills to give participants the confidence to thrive in their careers long into the future. It gives students an understanding of all aspects of business.
16 mjeseci
Students from a non-management background or for any other academic reasons (as decided by the Board of Admissions at LSC), will be required to successfully complete an MBA Foundation Programme for one semester (four months), before commencing the MBA programme.
12 mjeseci
Hospitality is a distinctive business activity which has assumed a critical role in the global economy accounting for about 5% of jobs worldwide. While many aspects of this industry is the same as other many industries, there are some idiosyncrasies which differentiate it from other rest.
12 mjeseci
Tourism is a distinctive area of business activity which has assumed a critical role in the global economy accounting for a tenth of jobs worldwide. While many aspects of this industry is the same as other industries including hospitality, there are some idiosyncrasies which differentiate it from other industries.
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Edukacija i savjetovanje trebalo bi biti prisutno i važno svima onima koji uvijek žele biti korak ispred konkurencije. Cilj nam je klijenta uvesti u svijet ICT-a te unaprijediti i usavršiti njegovo poslovanje na internetu.

Uslugama savjetovanja nastojimo pomoći u izradi najboljeg koncepta za web projekt i pomoći oko informatičke edukacije.

Pregled seminara:

- Online oglašavanje
- Online media planiranje
- Internet (online) prodaja
- SEO edukacija