Supporting Users and Troubleshooting a MS Windows XP

Housing d.o.o.
Zaharova 7
10000 Zagreb
Tel: 01/4878-999
Fax: 01/4878-998
Cilj seminara je potvrditi znanje potrebno za ulazak u IT industriju, usvojiti dodatna znanja potrebna za daljnju Microsoft certifikaciju, značajno povećati učinkovitost zaposlenih i povećati sposobnosti poduzeća u pružanju kvalitetne podrške korisnicima.


  1. Intruduction to Desktop Support
  2. Installing Windows XP
  3. Supporting Local Users and Groups
  4. Supporting the Windows Desktop
  5. Supporting Windows XP File and Folder Access
  6. Installing and Managing Hardware
  7. Supporting Display Devices, I/O Devices, and ACPI
  8. Supporting Storage Devices in Windows XP
  9. Managing Local and Network Printers
  10. Supporting Network Connectivity
  11. Supporting Internet Explorer in Windows XP
  12. Monitoring System Performance in Windows XP
  13. Installing a Windows Desktop Operating System
  14. Managing and Troubleshooting Access to Resources
  15. Configuring and Troubleshooting Hardware Devices and Drivers
  16. Configuring and Troubleshooting the Desktop and User Environments
  17. Troubleshooting Network Protocols and Services

Nastavni materijal

Supporting Users and Troubleshooting a Microsoft Windows XP Operating System Training Kit, Microsoft Press
Priručnik Supporting Users and Troubleshooting a MS Windows XP (70-271)
Ostali materijali po preporuci predavača

  • Upis u radnu knjižicu: ne
  • Certifikat: ne
  • Uvjerenje: da
  • In-house: ne
  • Svjedodžba: ne
  • Diploma: ne