SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 Fundamentals

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Maksimirska 58a
10000 Zagreb
Slavićeva 15
21000 Split
Špire Brusine 16/2
23000 Zadar
Adama Reisnera 74
31000 Osijek
Ovaj tečaj je prvi u nastavnom planu CLP za SUSE Enterprise Server 10. Tečaj je predviđen za polaznike koji nemaju iskustvo s operacijskim sustavom Linux, te će ih voditi kroz osnove otvorenog koda (Open Source) i operacijskog sustava Linux korištenjem SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10.

Polaznici će naučiti osnove otvorenog koda i operacijskog sustava Linux, kao i osnovno znanje potrebno za administriranje SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10. Ove osnovne vještine su obavezne za tečaj SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 Administration (Tečaj 3072). Također, ove vještine su osnova i preduvjet za usvajanje znanja i vještina administratora početnika za operacijski sustav Linux ili za tehničara podrške korisnicima u poslovnim sustavima.

Uporabom SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 razumjet ćete osnovne otvorenog koda, te ćete moći izvršavati osnovne zadatke kao što su:
- Instaliranje SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 i pronalaženje pomoći kad se pojave problemi.
- Razumijevanje osnovna korisničke ljuske bash i datotečnog sustava
- Upravljanje korisnicima i njihovom pravima

Sadržaj seminara:

SECTION 1 - Understand the Linux Story
- The History of Linux
- Understand the Multiuser Environment
- Perform a Simple Installation of SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10

SECTION 2 - Use the Linux Desktop
- Overview of the Linux Desktop
- Use the GNOME Desktop Environment
- Access the Command Line Interface From the Desktop

SECTION 3 - Administer Linux with YaST
- Get to Know YaST
- Understand the Role of SuSEconfig
- Manage the Network Configuration Information from YaST
- Install Software Packages
- Manage Installation Sources

SECTION 4 - Locate and Use Help Resources
- Access and Use man Pages
- Use info Pages
- Access Release Notes and White Papers
- Use GUI-Based Help
- Find Help on the Web

SECTION 5 - Manage Directories and Files
- Understand the File System Hierarchy Standard (FHS)
- Identify File Types in the Linux System
- Change Directories and List Directory Contents
- Create and View Files>
- Work with Files and Directories
- Find Files on Linux
- Search File Content

SECTION 6 - Work With the Linux Shell and Command Line
- Get to Know the Command Shells
- Execute Commands at the Command Line
- Get to Know Common Command Line Tasks
- Understand Command Syntax and Special Character
- Use Piping and Redirection

SECTION 7 - Use Linux Text Editors
- Get to Know Linux Text Editors
- Use the Editor vi to Edit Files

SECTION 8 - Manage User, Groups, and Permissions
- Manage User and Group Accounts With YaST
- Describe Basic Linux User Security Features
- Manage User and Group Accounts From the Command Line
- Manage File Permissions and Ownership
- Ensure File System Security

APPENDIX A - Use the KDE Desktop Environment

- Install the KDE Desktop Environment
- Log In
- Log Out and Shutdown
- Identify KDE Desktop Components>/li>
- Manage Icons in the KDE Environment
- Use the Konqueror File Manager

APPENDIX B - Network Components and Architecture

- Network Types
- Client/Server and Peer-to-Peer Computing
- Network Topology
- Elements of a Network
- TCP/IP Layer Model

Ovaj tečaj je predviđen za početnike u uporabi operacijskog sustava Linux. Polaznici moraju imati osnovna znanja i vještine u uporabi računala. Dovoljna su znanja uporabe sustava s grafičkom radnom površinom.

Priprema za ispit:
Ovaj tečaj zajedno s tečajevima SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 Administration (tečaj 3072) i SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 Advanced Administration (tečaj 3073) Vas pripremaju za ispit Novell Certified Linux Professional 10 certification Practicum (050-697).

  • Upis u radnu knjižicu: ne
  • Certifikat: da
  • Uvjerenje: ne
  • In-house: ne
  • Svjedodžba: ne
  • Diploma: ne