MOC - 2596: Managing Microsoft Systems Management Server 2003
Po odslušanom seminaru polaznik će znati:
- opisati mogucnosti i infrastrukturu SMS 2003 servera
- istraziti SMS site arhitekturu
- instaliratiu SMS klijente
- otkriti SMS resurse
- prikupiti informacije o software-u i hardware-u na SMS klijentima
- izvrsavati upite i raditi izvjestaje
- distribuirati ispite
- implementirati software update alate
- korisiti SMS remote alate za podrsku klijentima
- raditi s SMS hijerarhijama
- odrzavati i backup-irati SMS
Sadržaj seminara:
- Module 1: Overview of Systems Management Server 2003
- Module 2: Exploring SMS Site Architecture
- Module 3: Preparing to Deploy the SMS Clients
- Module 4: Deploying SMS Clients
- Module 5: Collecting Inventory and Software Metering
- Module 6: Querying and Reporting Data
- Module 7: Preparing an SMS Site for Software Distribution
- Module 8: Managing Software Distribution
- Module 9: Implementing SMS Software Update Tools and Managing Update Deployment
- Module 10: Using Remote Tools for Client Support
- Module 11: Working with SMS Hierarchies
- Module 12: Performing Site Maintenance, Backup, and Recovery Tasks
- odslusan seminar 2277, Implementing, Managing, and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server™ 2003 Network Infrastructure: Network Services, il islicno znanje
- TCP/IP u mrezi
- SQL server
- Active Directory
- Upis u radnu knjižicu: ne
- Certifikat: da
- Uvjerenje: ne
- In-house: ne
- Svjedodžba: ne
- Diploma: ne