Informatika - Hewlett Packard
Ukupno: 206
2 dana
This 2-day course covers information needed to successfully deploy and manage XenServer Enterprise Edition 5.0 and the XenCenter management client.
3 dana
This 3-day instructor-led course provides students with the knowledge and skills required to implement Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 successfully in their organization.
2 dana
This 2-day instructor-led course provides students with the knowledge and skills to successfully implement Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services (WSS) version 3.0 in their organizations.
2 dana
This 2-day course provides an introduction to the HP Insight Control Environment software.
5 dana
This 5-day instructor-led course provides students with the knowledge and skills to managing a Systems Center Operations Manager 2007 management group. This course is intended to develop the necessary skills to install and manage Operations Manager 2007 management servers and supporting roles.
3 dana
This 3-day instructor-led course provides students with the knowledge and skills to install and configure Windows Vista desktops.
3 dana
This 3-day instructor-led course provides IT Professionals who work in enterprise organizations with the knowledge and skills to install, deploy, configure, secure, maintain, and troubleshoot Windows Vista.
3 dana
At the end of this 3-day course, students who are new to Exchange Server will learn how to configure and manage a messaging environment in accordance with technical requirements.
5 dana
This 5-day instructor-led course enables introductory-level developers who are not familiar with the Microsoft .NET Framework or Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 to gain familiarity with the Visual Studio 2005 development environment. Students will also learn basic skills using either Microsoft Visual Basic or Microsoft Visual C# as a programming language.
3 dana
Learn to continuously assess IT risk factors and implement effective strategies to address them.
Tražilica - upišite pojam koji tražite:
In-house:    Traži

Edukacija i savjetovanje trebalo bi biti prisutno i važno svima onima koji uvijek žele biti korak ispred konkurencije. Cilj nam je klijenta uvesti u svijet ICT-a te unaprijediti i usavršiti njegovo poslovanje na internetu.

Uslugama savjetovanja nastojimo pomoći u izradi najboljeg koncepta za web projekt i pomoći oko informatičke edukacije.

Pregled seminara:

- Online oglašavanje
- Online media planiranje
- Internet (online) prodaja
- SEO edukacija