Informatika - Hewlett Packard
Ukupno: 206
3 dana
This 3-day instructor-led course provides students with the knowledge and skills to build and configure a Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) solution.
2 sata
This 2-hour RAIL online seminar will provide students with a structured learning plan that will prepare them to sit the VMware VCP examination by concentrating study effort upon those learning objectives that the VCP will test. It includes a lecture, some product demonstrations as well as class discussion and question & answer session.
1 dan
This 1-day workshop focuses on the primary new features of ESX 3.5 and VirtualCenter 2.5. It is a lab orientated session. This workshop is aimed at experienced users of Virtual Infrastructure 3 (VI3). It does not count towards any VMware certification or replace any instructor led training on VI3.
4 dana
This 4-day hands-on course covers mass deployment of ESX Server hosts using scripted installation, configuration and use of VMware Consolidated Backup (VCB), VMware Updated Manager and security features.
5 dana
This 5-day intensive, extended-hours training course covers the installation, management, and use of VMware ESX Server, VirtualCenter, VMware DRS, VMware HA, and VMware Consolidated Backup.
4 dana
The purpose of this 2-day instructor-led course is to teach Business Intelligence (BI) professionals working in enterprise environments to design an extract, transform, and load (ETL) solution that supports their BI solution.
2 dana
This 2-day, hands-on training course explores managing VMware infrastructure 3 operations and configuration, and covers VMware ESX Server and VMware VirtualCenter.
4 dana
This 4-day hands-on training course explores how to design VMware Infrastructure architectures with a focus on manageability, availability, and scalability. This classroom training consists of 50% lecture and 50% design exercises.
1 dan
This 1-day hands-on training course introduces the most compelling features of VMware Infrastructure 3. This course demonstrates VMware Infrastructure 3 features capable of reducing your IT costs while improving efficiency, availability, flexibility, and manageability.
2 dana
This 2-day hands-on training course is aimed at experienced VMware Infrastructure 3 administrators.
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Edukacija i savjetovanje trebalo bi biti prisutno i važno svima onima koji uvijek žele biti korak ispred konkurencije. Cilj nam je klijenta uvesti u svijet ICT-a te unaprijediti i usavršiti njegovo poslovanje na internetu.

Uslugama savjetovanja nastojimo pomoći u izradi najboljeg koncepta za web projekt i pomoći oko informatičke edukacije.

Pregled seminara:

- Online oglašavanje
- Online media planiranje
- Internet (online) prodaja
- SEO edukacija