Informatika - Hewlett Packard
Ukupno: 206
5 dana
The HP Indigo Press 3500/5000 operation course focuses on the concepts, procedures, and practices required to operate the digital printing press safely and effectively.
20 dana
The new hire training is a beginning class for newly hired field technicians who have no previous training on Indigo digital printing presses.
5 dana
The HP Indigo press 5000 service and repair course is for field technicians who have previous experience on the HP Indigo press 3050 or the Indigo UltraStream 2000 digital printing presses.
5 dana
The hp indigo press 5500 service and repair course is for field technicians who have previous experience on the hp indigo press 5000 printing press.
8 dana
The level 3 course is a service level maintenance and repair training program for shared maintenance operators, and is a hands-on course.
5 dana
The Shared Maintenance training program focuses on the operation and interaction of the mechanical, electronic, fluid and substrate transport systems on the HP Indigo press. Participants will be taught how to apply maintenance skills to resolve problems. This may include preventative and/or corrective actions, or problem escalation through the Customer Support organization.
3 dana
The HP Indigo Press 5500 accelerated operator course focuses on the concepts, procedures, and practices required to operate the HP Indigo Press 5500 press safely and effectively.
5 dana
The HP Indigo Press 5500 operation course focuses on the concepts, procedures, and practices required to operate the digital printing press safely and effectively.
5 dana
This CE enrichment training course focuses on troubleshooting methods and tools to aid the field technician diagnosing and correcting some of the most common problems encountered in the field.
10 dana
The shared maintenance training program is a hands on course. The course focuses on the operation and interaction of the mechanical, electronic, fluid and substrate transport systems on the HP Indigo Press.
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