Adobe Freehand

Učilište ProAnima
Vodnikova 15
10000 Zagreb
Tel: 01/4843-201
Fax: 01/4843-057
Cilj seminara je osposobiti polaznike s mogućnošću izrade logotipa, oglasa, brošura, plakata, dizajnerskih rješenja ili bilo kakvih višestraničnih grafičkih materijala namijenjenih za tisak i web.

Sadržaj seminara:

  • Ilustracije i dizajn 1, Freehand 1
    Uvod u Freehand, dijelovi ekrana, Rectangle Tool, Pointer Tool, Basic Fill, None Fil, Ellipse Tool, Stroke Inspectore, Polygon Tool, Group, Ungroup, Line, Freehand Tool, Color List, Color Mixer, Document Inspectore, Guides, Pen Tool, Knife Tool, Keyline, Preview, Bezignon, Gradient Fill, Combine - Union, Intersect, Punch, Crop, Transparency, Clone, Duplicate, Blend,Object , Inspectore, Join Blend to Path, Paste Inside, Tiled Fill, Slobodnoručne, Precizne transformacije, Join, Split, Type Tool, Text Inspectore
  • Ilustracije i dizajn 2, Freehand 2
    Attach To Path, Detach To Path, Flow Inside Path, Convert To Path, Tekstualni efekti, Stroke Inspectore, Fill Inspectore, Object Inspectore, Layers, Styles, Copy Attributes, Paste Attributes, Alter Path - Correct i Reverse Direction, Simplify, Alter Path - Remove overlap, Inset Path, Expand Stroke, Operations, Xtra Tools, Xtra Tools, Uvoz slike, Autotrace Tool Autotrace Tool, Preferences, Paragraph Inspector, Columns, Text Wrap, Toolbars, Export iz Freehanda
  • Upis u radnu knjižicu: ne
  • Certifikat: ne
  • Uvjerenje: da
  • In-house: ne
  • Svjedodžba: ne
  • Diploma: ne