Kako bi vam omogućili lakši prelazak iz "offline oglašavanja" u online oglašavanje, pripremili smo seminar u trajanju od 2 dana. Online oglašavanje ili internet marketing je oglašavanje proizvoda i usluga putem Interneta
Cilj seminara je polaznike upoznati s radom varijabli, korištenje formi i gotovih funkcija objekata i njihovih metoda, manipuliranje objekatima pomoću akcija te kreiranje animacija uz korištenje ActionScripta.
This 4-day course provides the knowledge necessary to operate and manage the HP SmartStream Production Pro Print Server. This includes system setup and administration, job management and submission, modifying press job properties, and creating and using job tickets.
This course provides prepress professionals with the knowledge and skills to submit jobs to an HP Indigo Digital Press 3500, 5000, or 5500. The main focus is the HP Indigo tool, Yours Truly Designer. The 4-day course is 40 percent lecture and 60 percent hands-on.
This course provides prepress professionals with the knowledge and skills to submit jobs to an HP Indigo Digital Press 1050 or 3050. The main focus is the HP Indigo tool, Yours Truly Designer. The 4-day course is 40 percent lecture and 60 percent hands-on.
This course provides prepress professionals with the knowledge and skills to submit jobs to an HP Indigo Digital Press 1050 or 3050. The main focus is the HP Indigo tool, Yours Truly Designer. The 4-day course is 40 percent lecture and 60 percent hands-on.
This course provides prepress professionals with the knowledge and skills to submit jobs to an HP Indigo Digital Press with the on-board HP Indigo RIP. The main focus is the HP Indigo tool, Yours Truly Designer, an Adobe InDesign CS2 plug-in. The 3-day course is 40 percent lecture and 60 percent hands-on.
This 3-day instructor-led course provides Active Directory Technology Specialists an introduction to Active Directory server roles in Windows Server 2008. The course is intended for entry level students who want to get familiar with the Active Directory server roles and their basic functionality.
Ovaj tečaj uključuje open source standarde, osnovno znanje i vještine potrebne u svim linux distribucijama. Polaznik se predavanjima upoznaje kako da se logira na linux sustav, kreće se kroz SUSE LINUX datotečni sustav i manipulira filovima, radi u shell u i izvršava shell skripte, kontrolira procese i puno više.
Cilj programa je usavršavanje polaznika za samostalno korištenje aplikacija za grafički dizajn.
Cilj nam je osposobiti polaznike da uz pomoć računala samostalno uređuju knjige i časopise, kalendare, posjetnice, plakate, promidžbene materijale, osmišljavaju vizualni identitet tvrtke (dizajniranjem posjetnica, memoranduma, logotipa i kuverti).